
Chinese translation of some wavefunction analysis vocabulary

文/Sobereva @北京科音
First release: 2014-Jan-16   Last update: 2014-Mar-4




AIM wavefunction file (wfn):AIM波函数文件
AIM extended wavefunction file (wfx):扩展的AIM波函数文件
Aromatic stabilization energy (ASE):芳香稳定化能
Aromatic ring chemical shieldings (ARCS):芳香环化学屏蔽
Anisotropy of the induced current density (AICD):感应电流密度的各向异性
Atomic charge:原子电荷
Atoms in molecules (AIM):分子中的原子
Atomic orbitals in molecules:分子中的原子轨道
Atomic space:原子空间
Atomic/bond dipole moment:原子/键偶极矩
Atomic dipole moment corrected Hirshfeld population (ADCH):原子偶极矩校正的Hirshfeld布居方法
Atomic overlap matrix:原子重叠矩阵
Atom-bond electronegativity equalization method (ABEEM):原子-键电负性均衡方法
Aromatic fluctuation index (FLU):芳香波动指数
Average two-center indices (ATI):平均双中心指数
Average local ionization energy (ALIE):平均局部离子化能
Averaged reduced density gradient (aRDG):平均约化密度梯度
Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP):自适应自然密度划分
Basin analysis:盆分析
Block-localized wave function (BLW):块定域化波函数
Bond path:键径
Bond order:键级
Bond order index of aromaticity (BOIA):芳香性键级指数
Bond metallicity:键金属性
Bond critical point (BCP):键临界点
Bifurcation point:二分点
Cartesian basis function:笛卡尔型基函数
Cage critical point (CCP):笼临界点
Canonical molecular orbital (CMO):正则分子轨道
Condensed dual descriptor:简缩双描述符
Condensed Fukui function:简缩福井函数
Conceptual density functional theory (CDFT):概念密度泛函理论
Conditional probability:条件概率
Correlation hole:相关穴
Correlation factor:相关因子
Color-filled map:填色图
Contour map:等值线图
Critical point (CP):临界点。不要翻译成“鞍点”!
Complex orbital:复合物轨道
Curve map:曲线图
Charge-transfer (CT):电荷转移
Charge displacement curve:电荷转移曲线
Charges from electrostatic potentials using a grid based method (CHELPG):基于格点的拟合静电势电荷方法
Charge decomposition analysis:电荷分解分析
Charge equilibration (QEq):电荷平衡方法
Charge-shifting bonding:电荷转移键
C-squared population analysis:C平方布居分析
Cross term:交叉项
Density difference:密度差
Dual descriptor:双描述符
Density functional reactivity theory (DFRT):密度泛函反应性理论
Deformation density/property:变形密度/属性
Density-of-states (DOS):态密度
Delocalization index (DI):离域化指数
Discrete partition:离散式划分
Distributed multipole analysis (DMA):分布多极分析
Electron density:电子密度
Electrostatic potential (ESP):静电势
Electron localization function (ELF):电子定域化函数
Electron localization function-sigma/pi (ELF-sigma/pi):sigma/pi电子定域化函数
Electronegativity-equalization method (EEM):电负性均衡方法
Electron momentum density:电子动量密度
Electric field gradient (EFG):电场梯度
Electrophilicity index:亲电指数
Electron localizability indicator (ELI):电子定域性指示函数
Electron pair localization function (EPLF):电子对儿定域化函数
Electronic spatial extent:电子空间广度
Ellipticity of electron density:电子密度的椭率
Effective atomic orbitals:有效原子轨道
Energy decomposition analysis (EDA):能量分解分析
Extension distance:延展距离
Extended charge decomposition analysis (ECDA):扩展的电荷转移分解分析
Extended Transition State (ETS):扩展的过渡态方法
Fukui function:福井函数
Fermi/Coulomb hole:费米/库仑穴
Fragment orbital (FO):片段轨道
Frontier molecular orbital (FMO):前线分子轨道
Fractional occupation:分数占据
Fuzzy bond order:模糊键级
Fuzzy space analysis:模糊空间分析
Fuzzy overlap space:模糊交叠空间
Fuzzy partition:模糊式划分
Formatted checkpoint file (fch):格式化的检查点文件
Gauge including magnetically induced current method (GIMIC):范规不变的磁感应电流密度方法
Gauss type function (GTF):高斯型函数
Generalized atomic polar tensors (GAPT):广义原子极化张量
Gradient line:梯度线
Grid data:格点数据
Harmonic oscillator measure of aromaticity (HOMA):芳香性谐振子标度
Harmonic oscillator stabilization energy (HOSE):谐振子稳定化能
Hirshfeld/Becke surface analysis:Hirshfeld/Becke表面分析
Iterative/Extended Hirshfeld (Hirshfeld-I/E):迭代的/扩展的Hirshfeld方法
Iso-chemical shielding surface (ICSS):等化学屏蔽表面
Information entropy:信息熵
Inner-core electron:内核电子
Interbasin surface:盆间面
Interacting quantum atoms (IQA):相互作用的量子原子
Irreducible domain:不可约域
Iterated stockholder atoms (ISA):迭代的股东原子
Kinetic energy density:动能密度
Laplacian of electron density:电子密度拉普拉斯值
Laplacian bond order (LBO):拉普拉斯键级
Linear response kernel (LRK):线性响应指数
Local term:局域项
Local excitation:局域激发
Local molecular surface:局部分子表面
Localized molecular orbital (LMO):定域化分子轨道
Localized orbital locator (LOL):定域化轨道定位函数
Localization index (LI):定域化指数
Local electron affinity (LEA):局部电子亲合性
Localized electrons detector (LED):定域化电子检测函数
LOL integrated Pi over plane (LOLIPOP):平面上的LOL-pi积分
Magnetic susceptibility exaltation (MSE):磁化率提高
Magnetic shielding tensors:磁屏蔽张量
Modified Mulliken population analysis (MMPA):修改的马利肯布居分析。不要把马利肯误当成密利根!
Molecular graph:分子图
Molecular volumn:分子体积
Multifunctional wavefunction analyzer (Multiwfn):多功能波函数分析程序
Multi-center bond order:多中心键级
Multi-center delocalization index:多中心离域化指数
Multipole moments:多极矩
Natural bond-bond polarizability (NBBP):自然键-键极化率
Natural chemical shielding (NCS):自然化学屏蔽
Natural energy decomposition analysis (NEDA):自然能量分解分析
Natural orbitals for chemical valence (NOCV):化学价的自然轨道方法
Natural orbital (NO):自然轨道
Natural atomic orbital (NAO):自然原子轨道
Natural bond orbital (NBO):自然键轨道
Natural hybrid orbital (NHO):自然杂化轨道
Natural localized molecular orbital (NLMO):自然定域化轨道
Natural minimal basis (NMB):自然极小基
Natural Rydberg basis (NRB):自然里德堡基
Natural population analysis (NPA):自然布居分析
Natural resonance theory (NRT):自然共振理论
Natural transition orbital (NTO):自然跃迁轨道
Non-nuclear attractor (NNA):非核吸引子
Normalized contact distance (d_norm):规格化的接触距离
Nuclear critical point (NCP):核临界点
Nucleus-independent chemical shifts (NICS):核独立化学位移
Occupancy-weighted symmetric orthogonalization (OWSO):占据数权重的对称正交化
Orbital composition:轨道成份
Orbital wavefunction:轨道波函数
Orbital occupancy-perturbed Mayer bond order:轨道占据扰动的Mayer键级
Orbital interaction diagram:轨道相互作用图
Overlap DOS (OPDOS):重叠态密度
Overlap population:重叠布居
Overlap integral:重叠积分
Partial equalization of orbital electronegativity (PEOE):轨道电负性部分均衡方法
Partial equalization of pi-electronegativity (PEPE):pi电负性部分均衡方法
Pair density:对儿密度
Para-delocalization index (PDI):对位离域化指数
Para linear response index (PLR):对位线性响应指数
Diamagnetic susceptibility:抗磁化率
Paramagnetic susceptibility:顺磁化率
Pauli potential/charge/force:泡利势/电荷/力
Partial charge:分数电荷
Partial DOS (PDOS):部分态密度
Promolecular approximation:准分子近似
Probability density:概率密度
Population number:布居数
Population analysis:布居分析
Quantitative molecular surface analysis:定量分子表面分析
Real space function:实空间函数
Redistributed Lowdin population analysis (RLPA):重分布的Lowdin布居分析
Reduced density gradient (RDG):约化密度梯度
Reference point:参考点
Reducible domain:可约域
Resonance energy:共振能
Restrained electrostatic potential charge (RESP):限制性拟合静电势电荷
Ring critical point (RCP):环临界点
Relief map:地形图
Reduced density matrix:约化密度矩阵
Ring current:环电流
Rydberg excitation:里德堡激发
Scatter map:散点图
Second order perturbation theory analysis:二阶微扰理论分析
Shaded surface map:明暗表面图
Spin population:自旋布居
Spin density:自旋密度
Spin polarization parameter function:自旋极化参数函数
Shape function:形态函数
Shannon entropy:臭农熵
Single exponential decay detector (SEDD):单指数衰减检测函数
Source function:源函数
Steric energy/force/charge/potential:位能/力/电荷/势
Symmetry adapted perturbation theory (SAPT):对称匹配微扰理论
Total DOS (TDOS):总态密度
Two-particle density matrix (2PDM):双粒子密度矩阵
The quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM):分子中的原子的量子理论
Thermal fluctuation index (TFI):热波动指数
Topology analysis:拓扑分析
Transition density:跃迁密度
Transition density matrix (TDM):跃迁密度矩阵
Unitary transformation:酉变换
Valence density:价密度
Valence shell charge concentration (VSCC):价层电荷凝聚
Valence shell electron pair replusion (VSEPR):价层电子对儿互斥理论
Vector field map:向量场图
Volume data:体数据
Virtual orbital:虚轨道,等同于非占据轨道(unoccupied orbital)
Zero-flux surface:零通量面