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How to calculate GEDT (global electron density transfer ) at the TS using Multiwfn ?
what is the difference between result of gaussian and Multiwfn ?
Assume that you divide the whole system as AB, the so-called GEDT is essentially the absolute fragment charge of A or B. You can enter main function 7, use option -1 to define the fragment, and then use corresponding option to choose a method (e.g. ADCH, Mulliken) to compute atomic charges, then the fragment charge will also be outputted.
Both Gaussian and Multiwfn support a set of methods for computing atomic charges, while Multiwfn is much more powerful. For the same method, usually there is no evident difference in result for the two programs.
thanks Tian
what does the sign (+ or -) of the charge means ?
For example, you divide the system as AB, if fragment charge of B is positive, that means some electrons have transfered from B to A. In contrast, if the fragment charge of B is negative, then some electrons must have been transfered to B.
Thanks a lot Tian