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#1 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » TrESP analysis in Multifwn, convergence error » 2023-04-05 05:54:24

Replies: 1

Hello Multiwfn Team,

I was curious to obtain the intermolecular Coulomb interaction energy from the TrESP charges using cubegen utility.  I have used the keywords mentioned in the manual to generate the gaussian checkpoint files. The method and keywords were as follows #p td=(nstates=10) wb97xd/6-31+g(d,p) nosymm IOp(9/40=4) scf=xqc.
The calculation was done for a pi-stacked dimer system, the problem came, when we had fixed the the bottom monomer unit and moved the second unit along the short-axis, while the magnitude of the coupling decays gradually with longer distances, there was an abrupt sign change of the interacation energy along the short-axis shift. I am attaching the image of the Coulomb interaction energy (eV) wrt to shift in short-axis here. Can you please help me adressing this error.

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