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#1 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » isosurface are not coming according to RDG color scale » 2022-12-24 14:47:49

Replies: 1

Dear prof.
              I have tried to generate NCI-RDG plot of phenoldimer as you have shown in the example video. I have tried to plot the same according to your process. However iso surface are showing grey color. I have used VMD version 1.9.3. Please suggest me a solution to this problem. I have attached the image.

#3 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » Isosurface is showing white instead of colour » 2022-10-08 14:42:32

Replies: 2

Dear Prof.
During NCI-RDG analysis if I use phenol.wfn file instead of phenol dimer the outcome isosurface is showing white instead of colour. I tried to colour it but was unable to do so, please tell me how to make it colour. The image has been attached below.


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