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#1 Re: Quantum Chemistry » Calculating the excited state dipole moment » 2021-11-17 20:42:53

Thank you very much for the answer! I have read the "Exploring Chemistry with Electronic Structure Methods", however, this procedure was not explicitly stated there, so I had some doubts. Therefore, I am really grateful for your insights.

#2 Quantum Chemistry » Calculating the excited state dipole moment » 2021-11-17 12:58:15

Replies: 2

Dear Mr. Lu,

I am trying to calculate the dipole moment of an excited state, using "Gaussian" software. My input commands were: "opt freq td=(singlets,nstates=5,root=1) cam-b3lyp/6-31g(d) geom=connectivity" as I wanted to optimize the geometry of S1 state (starting from optimized S0 structure) and calculate the S1 dipole moment of the optimized structure. I am wondering, is this is the correct way to do the excited state dipole moment calculation? Moreover, is the Dipole moment in an output after the last "Population analysis using the SCF Density" the correct dipole moment of the excited state? I have looked for the answers over the Internet, however, information regarding this issue is very limited.

Thank you very much in advance for your help!

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