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#1 Re: Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » settings.ini configuration issue » 2021-06-12 05:50:03

Dear Tian Lu

Thank you for your suggestion, now the software is working properly according to the updated settings.ini smile

#2 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » settings.ini configuration issue » 2021-06-11 09:55:07

Replies: 2

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am new to Multiwfn, and I just installed Multiwfn. I was reconfiguring the settings.ini file to change the number of threads by changing the default value from 4 to 24, but Mutiwfn failed to recognize the change when I run it afterwards. I also tried other parameters (bndordthres) but it failed to change when I run as well. I also checked my syntax is according to the comment in the settings.ini file. May I know what could be the issue?

Thank you in advance!

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