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Ah - that's true! Thanks for clarifying
Also, I had another question:
So, when -1 = UFF and molecule.txt is like this:
and, when -1 = AMBER99 & GAFF and molecule.txt file is like this:
UF -0.45
UF 0.138
UF 0.15
UF 0.145
I get different answers for both cases. I should be getting the same answer, correct?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you!
Thank you! That worked - I forgot to change the forcefield option
Thanks for the prompt reply, I appreciate it.
I did try to reproduce it and it worked.
The structure file I load is a PDB file like this:
ATOM 515 4H54 MOL 2 9.449 28.801 25.803 1.00 27.40 H
ATOM 516 5H54 MOL 2 10.702 28.949 24.819 1.00 27.40 H
ATOM 517 6H54 MOL 2 9.249 28.650 24.222 1.00 27.40 H
ATOM 518 Pd54 MOL 2 10.279 18.052 11.677 1.00 8.86 Pd2+
I get the following error: Error encountered while loading atom 517 in this file!
My molecule.txt (where the charges and types are written) was like this:
This gives an error.
Now, it is like this:
UF -0.45
UF 0.138
UF 0.15
UF 0.145
This worked for me.
But, is this correct?
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Thank you!
Just adding to my comments above - while using the UFF, can I specify the atom type as 'UF' for all the atoms?
I get the following error while trying to run an EDA-FF analysis:
"Error encountered while loading atom in this file!"
I'm trying to use the Universal Force Field (UFF). This happens when I try to load the atomic charges and types.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you
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