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#2 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » Fukui without gaussian installed on the PC » 2019-09-23 18:52:32

Replies: 2

How I can calculate fukui function (or quantities defined in conceptual density functional theory) withous gaussian program installed in my PC?

I use a cluster and remote access to running my calculations. To obtained reults of CDFT and plot Fukui function I need generate N.wfn, N+1.wfn and N-1.wfn in Multiwfn. However, if I understood correctly, it necessary gaussian software installed in the PC to generate this files.

Can I generate this files separately and add to Multiwfn?


#3 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » Multiwfn fails to calculate Second Order Hyperpolarizability (Gamma). » 2019-06-14 13:15:16

Replies: 2

I performed a calculations to obtained the results of gamma using Gaussian and keyword polar=gamma or polar=(DCSHG,Cubic). However, when I try obtain values using multiwfn, the program closes. Other parameter such as alfa and beta work correctly. Can someone help me?

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