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#1 Re: Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » AIM analysis of a metallacyles » 2024-07-24 04:33:11

Dear Tian,

thank you very much for the reply and suggestion:

The number of critical points of each type:
(3,-3):    30,   (3,-1):    31,   (3,+1):     2,   (3,+3):     0
Poincare-Hopf relationship verification:   30  -   31  +    2  -    0  =   1
Fine, Poincare-Hopf relationship is satisfied, all CPs may have been found

It is great that Multiwfn prints the Poincare-Hopf relationship after the calculation of the CPs, that's very handy!

Thank you!

#2 Multiwfn and wavefunction analysis » AIM analysis of a metallacyles » 2024-07-20 06:22:34

Replies: 2

Dear Multiwfn community,

I am new to Multiwfn, hence my apologies if the question sounds naïve or obvious to some of you.

I am trying to obtain AIM analysis with Multiwfn based on some ORCA calculations, following the excellent tutorials I have no issue to obtain some nice results. However I am struggling to find a particular CP:


It seems to me that a CP between C22 and Au6 is missing, I tried to tweak the parameters but without yet success.

Can anyone help me?

Thank you in advance,

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