
Multiwfn Version 3.7 (Release date: 2020-Aug-14)


Multiwfn Version 3.6 (Release date: 2019-May-21)


Multiwfn Version 3.5 (Release date: 2018-Apr-6)
* A new main function 20 is added, which is a collection of all visual study methods for weak interaction. It can carry out NCI (with/without promolecular approximation), aNCI, DORI, which have already been supported in eariler version, and the newly supported IGM analysis. The corresponding parts of the manual are completely rearranged and largely rewritten.
* The Independent Gradient Model (IGM) analysis method proposed in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 19, 17928 (2017) is fully supported and can be performed via subfunction 10 of main function 20. This method can be used to individually visualize intra-fragment and inter-fragment interactions, the contribution of atomic pairs and atoms can be quantified and vividly rendered with help of VMD. In addition, the delta_g function involved in IGM analysis is added as the 22th real space function, its value at bond critical point in weak interaction region is shown to be closely related to interaction strength. See Section 3.22.5 of manual for introduction of IGM method, analysis examples are given in Section 4.20.10.
* Orbital localization analysis module (subfunction 13 of main function 200 in older version) is greatly improved and extended, now it is appeared as main function 19 since it is frequently used. Foster-Boys localization method and Pipek-Mezey localization with Lowdin population are added. In addition, the speed of Pipek-Mezey localization is signifcantly improved compared to older version, now it can be easily used for localizing occupuied orbitals for a system containing about 200 atoms. Moreoever, major character of resulting LMOs are automatically printed so that the users can quickly find the orbitals they are interested in.
* The total/dynamic/nondynamic electron correlation index proposed in Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18, 24015 (2016) have been implemented as subfunction 15 of main function 200. Details can be found in Section 3.200.15 of the manual. .wfn/.wfx/.molden file carrying natural orbitals could be used as input file.
* CCSD(T) wavefunction generated by PSI4 program and arbitrary order of coupled-cluster and CI wavefunctions (including FCI) generated by Kallay's MRCC program can be analyzed by Multiwfn. See Section 4.A.8 of the manual for detail.
* Section 4.18.5 is added to manual, this section describes how to plot transition dipole moment contributed by molecular fragments as arrows in VMD program based on the data outputted by hole-electron analysis module of Multiwfn.
* In main function 1, if input "d", real space function value at a given point can be decomposed into contribution of various orbitals, see Section 3.3 for details. Property decomposition for critical points is also supported in option 7 of topology analysis module.
* MDL molfile (.mol) is supported as input file.
* Electronegativity Equalization Method (EEM) charge now can be easily calculated via suboption 17 of main function 7, see Section 3.9.15 for introduction and Section 4.7.5 for example. Atomic charges of a system composed of hundreds of atoms can be obtained instantly via this method.
* In main function 18, subfunction 8 is added to calculate amount of interfragment charge transfer between any two fragments during electronic excitation, see Section 3.21.8 for detail and 4.18.6 for example.
* Subfunction 22 of main function 100 is significantly extended, now it enables automatically detecting pi orbitals based on localized molecular orbitals for both planar and non-planar systems. This feature makes separate study of sigma and pi electrons quite easy for all kinds of system. See Section 3.100.22 of the manual for detail and Section 4.100.22 for illustrative application.
* Subfunction 9 is added to main function 9, this function can decompose Wiberg bond order in NAO basis as contributions from NAO orbital pairs and NAO shell pairs, and thus makes interactions between atomic orbitals and atomic shells that play key role of covalent bonding can be clearly revealed. See Section 3.11.8 of the manual for details and Section 4.9.4 for example.
* Main function 11 now can plot IR spectrum by using output file of Grimme's xtb program ( as input file.
* Subfunction 16 is added to main function 200. This function is used to generate natural orbitals, spin natural orbitals and natural spin orbitals based on the density matrix in .fch/.fchk file. See Section 3.200.16 for details.
* Option 5 of subfunction 1 (hole-electron analysis module) of main function 18 now can output atom-atom contribution matrix of transition electric/magnetic dipole moment, and it can be further plotted as colored matrix map. See corresponding description in Section
* Function -2 is added to main function 7 (population analysis module). Using this function the electrostatic interaction energy between two fragments can be calculated based on atomic charges. .chg file should be used as input file since this file records atomic charge information.
* The Strong Covalent Interaction index (SCI) proposed in J. Phys. Chem. A, 122, 3087 (2018) is added as the 37th user-defined function, see entry 37 of Section 2.7 for introduction, this function is shown to be very useful for identifying very strong covalent bonds.
* Molden input file produced by Dalton is formally supported
* Mode 10 is added to the interface for setting up grid data, this mode allows the box to be defined in a GUI window, the position and size of the box can be visually defined and thus very convenient.
* Section is added to the manual to illustrate how to use domain analysis module to visualize molecular cavity and calculate cavity volume.
* Section 4.19.2 is added to the manual to illustrate how to study variation of localized molecular orbitals (LMO) during chemical reaction. Section 4.19.3 is added to illustrate how to use LMO to analyze Re-Re quadruple bond in [Re2Cl8]2-.
* .molden file generated by ORCA with g angular moment basis functions now can be directly used as input file (without employing Molden2aim).
* "Set perspective" option is added to menu of all GUI windows for showing molecule, via this option one can exactly adjust viewpoint. In addition, in the GUI for showing relief map, text boxes are added to exactly control viewpoint.
* In Section 3.20.1 of Multiwfn manual, the way of plotting color-filled "RDG vs sign(lambda)rho" scatter map for studying weak interaction using NCI method is described.
* The functions 4,5,6 in hole-electron analysis module of Multiwfn is fully parallelized, the time cost is significantly lowered for large system.
* After booting up Multiwfn, if directly pressing ENTER button, a GUI window will be shown used to select input file.
* The built-in EDF library is updated (now it corresponds to molden2aim 4.1.4).
* Section 4.A.9 is added to manual. It describes how to calculate TrEsp (transition charge from electrostatic potential, see J. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 17268), and how to calculate excitonic coupling energy between two molecules based on TrEsp charges.
* Option -5 is added to orbital localization module, it can be used to switch if considering core orbitals during localization of occupied orbitals. If core orbitals are ignored, the cost for medium or large-size system can be significantly reduced.
* When calculating ESP fitting charges (MK, CHELPG...), if radius of some elements are not predefined, now one can directly press ENTER button to use corresponding UFF radius multiplied by 1/1.2, this is often a reasonable choice.
* Speed of calculating transition dipole moment between excited state (subfunction 5 of main function 18) is greatly improved.
* For open-shell cases, the multi-center bond orders calculated based on NAO basis are not correct (prefactor is missing), this problem has been fixed.
* The sign of Mulliken transition charge outputted by hole-electron analysis module is not correct in the older versions, it should be multiplied by -1 to meet common convention. This problem has been fixed.

Multiwfn Version 3.4.1 (Release date: 2017-Oct-25)
* The local total/dynamic/nondynamic electron correlation function proposed in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 13, 2705 (2017) now is supported as user-defined function 87,88,89, respectively. These functions are useful for vividly revealing electron correlation in various molecular regions. See corresponding entries in Section 2.7 for detail. Illustrative application is given in part 2 of Section 4.A.6.
* Spectrum of multiple systems now can be easily plotted together, see Section 4.11.6 for example.
* subfunction 2 of main function 100 now can yield basic input file for a batch of known quantum chemistry codes including Gaussian, GAMESS-US, ORCA, MOPAC, Dalton, MRCC, Molpro, NWChem, PSI, CFOUR based on present geometry and charge/multiplicity.
* The CM5 charge proposed by Truhlar et al. in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 8, 527 (2012) has been supported as subfunction 16 of main function 7. See Section 3.9.14 of the manual for detail.
* The ghost-hunter index proposed by Adamo et al. in J. Comput. Chem., 38, 2151 (2017) is supported, it is automatically printed after hole-electron analysis is finished, see Section 3.21.7 of the manual for introduction. This index is useful to judge if an excited state calculated by TDDFT may be regarded as artificial ghost state.
* Gradient norm and Laplacian of electron density are added as user-defined function 79 and 80, respectively. The former is evaluated analytically, while the latter is evaluated semi-analytically.
* Electron delocalization range function EDR(r;d) and orbital overlap distance function D(r) are supported, the code is kindly contributed by Arshad Mehmood. Introduction is given as entry 20,21 of Section 2.6, illustrative examples can be found in Section 4.5.6, 4.5.7 and 4.12.8. Related references: J. Chem. Phys., 141, 144104 (2014); J. Chem. Theory Comput., 12, 3185 (2016); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 56, 6878 (2017).
* ORCA output file (CIS or TDA-DFT) has been formally supported for hole-electron analysis module, delta_r calculation module, NTO module and the module used to calculate transition dipole moment between excited states, see Section for detail about the requirement on the input file. (TDDFT/TDHF output file may also be used, however, the result may be unreasonable when de-excitation is significant, see Section for explanation)
* Output file of ORCA sTDA and sTD-DFT calculation now can be used as input file for plotting UV-Vis or ECD Spectrum via main function 11
* Better compatible with G16
* Anharmonic Raman and Anharmonic VCD spectra now can be plotted by main function 11 based on Gaussian output file of freq(raman,anharm) and freq(VCD,anharm) task, respectively (the latter is available only for G16)
* Main function -2 and -3 have been merged into main function 6 as subfunction -2 and -3.
* In subfunction 13 and 14 of main function 13, fragments can be directly defined by inputting atomic indices without preparing atomic list files. This change makes use of these functions more convenient.

Multiwfn Version 3.4 (Release date: 2017-Jun-13)
* Hirshfeld-I (i.e. iterative Hirshfeld) is supported to calculate atomic charges, orbital composition and perform fuzzy space analysis. Please check Section 3.9.13 of the manual for introduction of its theory and implementation. Illustrative examples of using Hirshfeld-I to calculate atomic charges is given in Section 4.7.4
* Single exponential decay detector (SEDD) and density overlap regions indicator (DORI) proposed in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 10, 3745 (2014) are supported as user-defined function 19 and 20, respectively. The advantage of DORI is that it can simultaneously reveal covalent and non-covalent interaction regions, and the pattern is similar to ELF+RDG. An example of using DORI is given at the end of Section 4.100.1.
* On-top pair density is supported as user-defined function 36.
* X, Y, Z component of Hamiltonian kinetic energy density have been added as 81, 82, 83th user-defined function, respectively. The counterpart of Lagrangian kinetic energy density have been supported as 84, 85, 86th user defined function, respectively.
* A new method to define plotting plane is added to main function 4 as mode 7. Via this mode one can directly define a plane parallel to a bond and meantime normal to a plane defined by three atoms. See Section 3.5.2 of the manual for detail.
* Pre-resonance Raman spectrum now can be plotted by option 2 of main function 11. Program will prompt the user to select the interested frequency of incident light.
* Subfunction 11 of main function 100 is greatly extended, now it can calculate both centroid distance and overlap between two orbitals. See Section 3.100.13 of the manual for details.
* By using option 4 and 8 of subfunction 2 of main function 100, .wfx file and NBO .47 file can be exported, respectively, the former is input file of GENNBO program.
* Pipek-Mezey orbital localization is supported as subfunction 13 of main function 200, please check Section 3.200.13 for detail and 4.200.13 for example.
* Energy of AdNDP orbitals now can be printed. Please check Section 3.17 for detail, the AdNDP examples in Section 4.14.1 and 4.14.3 have been correspondingly updated.
* Any real space function now can be integrated within isosurface of a given real space function by subfunction 14 of main function 200. Please check Section 3.200.14 of the manual for detail and Section 4.200.14 for example.
* A powerful EDF library provided by Wenli Zou is built-in. Now by default, if input file contains atoms using pseudopotential basis set, Multiwfn will automatically find proper EDF information for them to provide representation of inner-core density. See Appendix 4 of the manual for detail. (For .wfx file produced by Gaussian, by default Multiwfn still loads EDF field from this file rather than from the built-in EDF library).
* Natural transition orbital (NTO) analysis is supported as subfunction 6 of main function 18, please check Section 3.21.6 for detail and Section 4.18.4 for example.
* Coulomb attractive energy between hole and electron of an electronic excitation now can be calculated at post-process menu of subfunction 1 of main function 18, please check Section 3.21.1 for detail. The example in Section 4.18.1 is correspondingly updated.
* Conformational weighted spectrum and spectrum of multiple conformations now can be very conveniently plotted by main function 11. Please check Section 3.13.4 for detail and Section 4.11.4 for example. In addition, option 4 and 5 of spectrum plotting interface is improved, namely when changing setting of Y-axis at one side, you can choose to proportionally update range of Y-axis at another side so that their zero points are always in the same horizonal line.
* 32bit Windows version of Multiwfn will no longer be released. Since Multiwfn 3.4 only 64bit version will be released.
* The graphical effect of isosurface plotting has been improved, especially for transparent style
* When drawing isosurface with Linux and MacOS version, the requirement of the equal number of grids in X,Y,Z is removed.
* The style of atomic labels in plane map drawn by main function 4 now can be directly set by option 18 in post-process menu
* Two useful ways to check sanity of wavefunction are introduced as Appendix 5 of the manual
* The function of loading NBO plot file becomes more robust.
* .wfn file generated by Windows version of ORCA 4.0 is supported, and that generated by old version of ORCA is no longer supported
* GAMESS-US output file now can be used as input file (not comprehensively tested, currently only single point task at HF/DFT level is formally supported). The suffix of output file should be changed to .gms so that Multiwfn can properly recognize it
* Subfunction 7 of main function 6 now can output various kinds of integral matrix between basis functions, including overlap integrals, electric/magnetic dipole moment integrals, kinetic energy integrals and velocity integrals
* Density matrix in .fch will no longer be tentatively loaded since this version
* Atomic index in .molden file now is interpreted by Multiwfn as nuclear charge. Therefore, when pseudo-potential is used, you can manually change atomic index in the file so that Multiwfn can correctly recognize actual nuclear charge
* Loading speed of .fch and .molden file for large wavefunction is significantly improved
* Fixed a bug when loading NBO plot file with mixed spherical and cartesian shells.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.9 (Release date: 2016-Sep-18)
* Region of Slow Electrons (RoSE), which was proposed in Chem. Phys. Lett., 582, 144 (2013), now is supported as the 18th user defined function.
* Subfunction 100 is added to main function 8, this new function implements the LOBA method (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 11, 11297) for evaluating oxidation state based on localized MOs. See Section 3.10.7 of the manual for introduction and Section 4.8.4 for example.
* Subfunction 20 is added to main function 100. This function is used to calculate Hellmann-Feynman force at each nucleus. See Section 3.100.20 of the manual for details.
* Option -1 added to population analysis module for defining fragment. Once the fragment is defined, after the calculation of atomic charges, the fragment charge will be printed together.
* In the output of multi-center bond order calculation, the result in normalized form is printed, this makes multi-center bond order comparable for different ring sizes. In addition, for open-shell cases, the definition of alpha and beta multi-center bond orders changed and became more meaningful by taking a ring-size dependent prefactor into account. see Section 3.11.2 of the manual for details. The definition of multi-center DI is similarly changed, see Section 3.18.10.
* Now it is possible to compile Multiwfn without GUI supported, please check "COMPLIATION METHOD.txt" in source code package. In this case you don't need Dislin and Openmotif graphical library when running and compiling Multiwfn.
* Windows 10 is now formally supported. In Win10, old version of Multiwfn will get stuck for about 1~2 minutes when first time enter GUI.
* Output file of Gaussian excited state optimization task now can be directly used as input file of main function 11 for plotting electronic spectrum.
* After performing quantitative molecular surface analysis, the density estimated according to mass and molecular volume is outputed.
* In option 1 of topology analysis module, user now can input two atomic indices, then corresponding midpoint will be taken as starting point for locating CP. This improvement faciliates locating specific BCP.
* min(A,B) operation is added to option 11 of main function 13, which is useful for evaluating overlap between function of two moieties. Section 4.13.7 is correpondingly added to manual to illustrate using this feature to evaluate electron density overlap region between two methanes.
* When drawing gradient lines map by main function 4, the line width of gradient lines now can be set by option 14 in post-process menu.
* In main function menu, users now can directly use option -11 (a hidden option) to reload a new file.
* In option 1 of subfunction 5 of main function 100, the maximum pairing between Alpha and Beta orbitals of unrestricted wavefunction now can be shown.
* iatmlabtype3D parameter is added to settings.ini, one can choose if atomic labels or indices will be shown in 3D map.
* Solved crash problem when performing multi-center bond order analysis based on NBO6 output in case of presence of linear dependency of basis functions.
* Multiwfn now can be installed on OS X EI Capitan, see, thanks Henry Rzepa for sharing his experiences!

Multiwfn Version 3.3.8 (Release date: 2015-Dec-1)
* Local DOS now can be plotted, see Section 3.12.4 for detail and Section 4.10.2 for example. LDOS can be drawn in terms of DOS curve for a point or color-filled map for a set of points in a given line.
* Option 6 is added to CDA module, by which contribution of each fragment orbital pair to d,b,r terms of CDA can be printed, this greatly faciliates analysis of interaction between fragment orbitals.
* Subfunction 2 of main function 100 now is able to output GAMESS-US input file with/without the SCF initial guess ($VEC) corresponding to present wavefunction. In addition, this function now is able to export .fch file based on present wavefunction, thus Multiwfn could be used as a .molden->.fch converter.
* Option 9 is added to basin analysis module, by this function you can obtain atomic contribution to population number of ELF or other kind of basins, see Section 4.17.7 of the manual for example.
* Energy index (EI) and bond polarity index (BPI) defined in J. Phys. Chem., 94, 5602 (1990) now can be calculated by subfunction 12 of main function 200. See Section 3.200.12 for introduction and 4.200.12 for example. BPI is a useful indicator for bond polarity, and group electronegativity can be evaluated by calculating EI for radical.
* Section 4.A.6 is added to manual, it introduced how to plot odd electron density in Multiwfn.
* When performing topology analysis for electron density in main function 2, the option 0 now clearly show the correspondence between each (3,-3) CP and nucleus.
* Option 19 is added to main function 11, which is used to convert Raman activities to intensities, see Section 3.13.1 for discussion about the difference between activities and intensities.
* Option 20 is added to main function 11, which is used to manually modify strength data. This option is useful if you would like to plot fluorescence spectrum, in this case you need to set oscillator strength of all transitions except for the lowest excitation to zero (Kasha's rule).
* A new suboption (9) is added to option -1 of topology analysis module. By making use of this option, during the critical point (CP) searching, only the CP with value within user-defined range will be reserved, and thus unnecessary CPs could be ignored.
* Subfunction 10 of main function 200 now can be directly used to calculate various kinds of integral for two specific orbitals.
* Subfunction 5 of main function 100 is extended, now the overlap between alpha orbitals and the counterpart beta orbitals are allowed to be directly obtained (i.e. the off-diagonal terms will not be evaluated to significantly reduce cost).
* Option 5 in subfunction 1 of main function 18 now is also able to decompose both transition electric and magnetic dipole moments to basis function and atom contributions.
* In fragment definition interface of DOS plotting and orbital composition analysis modules, when using "cond" method to add wanted basis functions, the P,D,F,G,H shells can be directly selected.
* |V(r)|/G(r) is added as the 35th user defined function. In J. Chem. Phys., 117, 5529 (2002) it was proposed that this quantity at BCP can be used to discriminate interaction types.
* The quality of relief map for some real space functions is improved.
* Fixed a small bug in loading .xyz file.
* Fixed a small bug in locating settings.ini file via Multiwfnpath environment variable.
* Expired links containing "" in old version of manual have been updated.
* ICSS module (Subfunction 4 of main function 200) now works for G09 D.01. The older version crashes because G09 D.01 changed output format of NMR task.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.7 (Release date: 2015-Mar-22)
* Subfunction 11 is added to main function 200, which is used to calculate center, the first and second moments of a real space function, see Section 3.200.11 of Multiwfn manual for detail.
* The 54th user-defined function is added, see manual.
* If irreducible representation of MOs are properly recorded in .molden file, then in the option 35 of main function 6, one can choose if discarding contribution of some irreducible representations in succeeding analyses. See Section 3.8 of the manual for detail.
* Main function 11 now can plot UV-Vis, IR, Raman and ECD spectra directly based on output file of ORCA program.
* The output file tda.dat of Grimme's sTDA program ( now can be used as input file of main function 11 to plot UV-Vis and ECD spectra. The sTDA method reduces the computational cost of the electronic excitation part of TDDFT calculation by about two or three orders of magnitude.
* In the fragment definition interface of DOS plotting module, the fragment setting now can be import from or export to plain text file.
* The output of function 5 of main function 100 is adjusted and becomes more readable.
* Option -5 is added to fuzzy analysis module, which is used to define the atoms to be integrated (in function 1) and for which the atomic multipole moments will be evaluated (in function 2).
* Function 7 of main function 200 is improved, which is used to parse the (hyper)polarizability output of Gaussian09. Now, when multiple frequencies are specified in frequency-dependent "polar" task, the users can make Multiwfn parse the result at specific frequency. In addition, parsing Beta(-w;w,0) or Beta(-2w;w,w) can be fully controlled by users.
* Molden input file with SP shells is supported.
* If pure Gauss functions are involved in open-shell calculation and the corresponding NBO plot file is used as input, the label of orbital type of the orbitals will be slightly incorrect, this bug has been fixed.
* When loading .xyz file the elements with two letters may be erroneously determined, this bug has been fixed.
* Not all legends of defined fragments can be normally shown in PDOS map, this bug has been fixed.
* Sometimes when visualizing isosurface there is an annoying vertical color strip at the boundary of the visible region, this problem has been solved.
* For Mac OSX, the segmentation fault due to stack memory flow when loading large system is solved.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.6 (Release date: 2014-Nov-20)
* The capacity of function 10 in main function 200 has been substantially extended. Now it can output electric/magnetic dipole moment, velocity, kinetic energy and overlap integrals between molecular or other kinds of orbitals. At the same time, the bug of magnetic dipole moment integrals has been fixed.
* Sections 4.A.5 and 4.1.2 are added to the manual, the former summarized the methods for studying weak interactions in Multiwfn, the latter discussed how to make use of ESP at nuclear positions to predict electrostatic dominated weak interaction energies.
* Option -9 is added to post-process menu of main function 4, by which you can plot the graph only for the regions around interesting atoms.
* Bond degree parameter E(r)/rho(r) is added as the 17th user-defined function, see J. Chem. Phys., 117, 5529 (2002) for detail.
* Fixed a crashing problem when visualizing orbitals via main function 0 in Linux environment.
* Parameter "imodlayout" is added to settings.ini. If in Windows environment the orbital list of main function 0 cannot be fully shown, then you can set it to 1 to use alternative layout to solve the problem.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.5 (Release date: 2014-Aug-12)
* The potential acting on one electron in a molecule (PAEM) has been supported as the 33 and 34th user-defined functions, see corresponding part in Section 2.7 of the manual for detail. In addition, the PAEM-MO analysis proposed in JCC, 35, 965(2014) now can be realized in Multiwfn, which is a method used to distinguish covalent and non-covalent interactions, see Section 4.3.3 for example.
* Composition of AdNDP orbitals can be analyzed. See the example in Section 4.14.3.
* User-defined function 39 is added, which is used to calculate electrostatic potential without contribution of a specific nucleus, and was shown to be useful for studying pKa and interaction energy of hydrogen, halogen and dihydrogen bonds. See corresponding description in Section 2.7.
* User-defined function 38 is added, which is the angle between the second eigenvector of Hessian of electron density and the vector perpendicular to the plane defined by option 4 of main function 1000. In J. Phys. Chem. A, 115, 12512 (2011) this quantity along bond paths was used to reveal π interaction.
* The color of atom spheres in 3D plots now can be adjusted by users. The path of the file recording element color settings is specified by "atmcolorfile" parameter in settings.ini file. See its comment for detail.
* The NBO plot files outputted by NBO 6 are supported.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.4 (Release date: 2014-Jun-9)
* In Hirshfeld and ADCH population analyses, Hirshfeld orbital composition analysis, Hirshfeld surface analysis and fuzzy atomic space analysis module, one can directly select to use the built-in atomic densities (available from H~Lr) to generate Hirshfeld weight. That means it not compulsory to manually prepare atom .wfn files or invoke Gaussian to calculate them anymore. More detail about the built-in density can be found in Appendix 3 of the manual.
* Option 11 in subfunction 1 of main function 18 has been improved and moved to main function 200 as subfunction 10. This function is able to output electric/magnetic dipole moment integral between all orbitals.
* A severe bug of ICSS function (subfunction 4 in main function 200) introduced since version 3.3.1 is fixed.
* A bug in suboption 18 of main function 13 is fixed, the curve in X direction is incorrect. Thanks to Tsuyuki Masafumi for pointing out this bug.
* The crash problem of Wiberg bond order for open-shell system is fixed.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.3 (Release date: 2014-May-21)
* Option -2 is added to main function 9 (bond order analysis module). Contrary to traditional implementation of multi-center bond order, this option calculates multi-center bond order based on natural atomic orbital basis. This calculation manner significantly diminished basis-set dependency of multi-center bond order. See Section 3.11.2 of the manual for detail.
* Option 2 of main function 100 now can be used to output present waveufunction to .molden input file.
* Transition magnetic dipole moment density now can be visualized by option 1 of main function 18, see the last part of Section 4.18.1 of the manual for example and theory 5 of Section for introduction.
* Optimized CP searching parameter of topology analysis module to reduce the possibility of missing CPs when CPs are very far from atoms.
* With the help of cubegen, the speed of quantitative molecular surface analysis for ESP can be improved significantly and thus this function can be applied to much larger systems now. See Section 4.12.7 for example.
* A new parameter "iplaneextdata" is added to settings.ini. If is set to 1, then during plotting plane map (main function 4), the data will be directly loaded from a plain text file provided by user.
* Two new real space function, electron linear momentum density in 3D representation and magnetic dipole moment density are supported as the 71~74th and 75~78th user-defined functions, respectively, see corresponding description in Section 2.7.
* Option -2 is added to CDA module, which is used to switch the output destination (screen or plain text file) of CDA results.
* Fixed the output bug of option 1 and 2 in function 5 of main function 18.
* In somes cases the ECDA result in CDA module is evidently incorrect.

Multiwfn Version 3.3.2 (Release date: 2014-May-12)
* New options 5 and 6 are added to subfunction 1 of main function 18. By the former, one can obtain contribution from basis functions and atoms to total transition dipole moment; while by the latter one can obtain atomic transition charges.Mulliken partition is employed to derive the quantities. See corresponding introduction in Section 3.21.1 of the manual.
* Subfunction 5 of main function 18 (electron excitation analysis module) now supports plain text file as input, that means non-Gaussian users can also use this function to produce transition dipole moments between all excited states. See Section 3.21.5 of the manual for detail. Meantime, a small bug in this subfunction is fixed.
* In the DOS plotting module (main function 10), up to 10 fragments now can be simultaneously defined, and their colors can be customized, see Section 4.10 for illustration.
* In option 26 of main function 6, orbital occupation numbers now can be set in a more flexible way.
* Fixed a severe bug in basin analysis, in some cases the calculation range of grid data is not correct!

Multiwfn Version 3.3.1 (First release: 2014-Apr-25 Last update: 2014-Apr-26)
* Subfunction 8 is added to main function 200, which is used calculate polarizability and 1st/2nd/3rd hyperpolarizability by sum-over-states (SOS) method based on CIS/TDHF/TDDFT calculation, see Section 3.200.8 of the manual for detail and Section 4.200.8 for example
* Subfunction 8 is added to main function 200, which is used to calculate average contact distance between two elements and average coordinate number. This function is very useful for analyzing structure character of atom clusters, see Section 3.200.8 of the manual for detail.
* Some minor improvements and bug fixes.

Multiwfn Version 3.3 (Release date: 2014-Apr-14)
* Subfunction 20 is added to main function 100. This new function is used to parse the output of (hyper)polarizability task of Gaussian09 and then print them in a much more readable format, and at the same time some quantities relating to (hyper)polarizability analysis will be outputted. See Section 3.100.20 of the manual for detail.
* Subfunction 19 is added to main function 100, which can generate promolecular .wfn file based on fragment wavefunctions, see Section 3.100.19 for introduction and Section 4.100.19 for illustrative examples.
* Fingerprint plot analysis (defined in the framework of Hirshfeld surface analysis) is fully supported in main function 12. See Section 4.12.6 for example and Section 3.15.5 for introduction. This function is very useful for analyzing non-covalent interaction in molecular crystal.
* Subfunction 6 is added to main function 200, which is used to analyze correspondence between orbitals in two wavefunctions. See Section 3.200.6 for introduction and example. By this function for example you can know the conversion relationship between the MOs calculated at HF/6-31G* level and that calculated at B3LYP/cc-pVTZ level, or obtain the knowledge about how the MOs produced by HF are related to the natural orbitals produced by post-HF methods.
* Promolecular approximation of reduced density gradient (RDG) and sign(lambda2)rho now supports all elements from H to Rn (in older versions this feature only supports H~Ar).
* In the spectrum plot module (main function 11), the contribution of individual transitions to the total spectrum can be outputted by option 15, this feature is particularly useful for identifying the nature of total spectrum. See Section 4.11.2 of the manual for example. In the meantime, option 16 is added, which is used to locate the positions of minima and maxima of the spectrum.
* Subfunction 5 is added into main function 18, which is used to calculate transition dipole moments between all excited states. See Section 3.21.5 of the manual for detail.
* The charge decomposition analysis (CDA) module now supports .fch and .molden file as input.
* The function for plotting DOS now supports .molden file as input.
* After performing Wiberg bond order analysis, program will not exit.
* When outputting AdNDP orbitals to cube file, the number of grids can be directly set.
* A new parameter "iatmlabtype" is added into settings.ini, which determines if show atom indices when showing atom labels in plane map.
* Fragment can be defined in the Becke and Hirshfeld composition analysis functions.
* A utility used to calculate ring area and perimeter is added to main function 100 as subfunction 25. See Section 3.100.25 of the manual for detail.
* A new parameter "inowhiteblack" is added to settings.ini file. If it is set to 1, then when plotting color-filled map, the regions with value larger and lower than upper limit and lower limit of color scale will not be shown as white and black, respectively.
* A new parameter "bondRGB" is added to settings.ini file, which controls the color of the bonds to be plotted.
* Subfunction -2 and 20 in main function 100 are merged into subfunction 2.
* A parameter "iALIEdecomp" is introduced to settings.ini. When it is set to 1, in main function 1, not only the total ALIE value but also the contribution from each occupied MOs will also be outputted.
* The .wfn file containing g type of GTFs outputted by Gaussian09 since B.01 is supported.
* Main function 11 is improved in many aspects. Rotatory strengths in velocity representation can be loaded from Gausisan output file when plotting ECD spectrum.
* The default color of atomic label is changed, and the color now can be customized by a new parameter "atmlabRGB" in settings.ini.
* The setting of axes in many kinds of plots are improved.
* Phase-space-defined Fisher information density (PS-FID) is supported as 70# user defined function, which has very similar characters to ELF and LOL, the spatial localization of electron pairs can be clearly revealed. See DOI: 10.1016/j.chemphys.2014.03.006 for introduction and illustrative applications.
* A new real space function eta=abs(lambda_3)/lambda_1, which is similar to bond ellipicity and defined in Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 2766, is supported as the 31# user defined function.
* In topology analysis module, by suboption 7 in option -5, variation of real space function along topology paths can be directly plotted as curve map.
* Fixed severe bugs in subfunction 7 and 8 of main function 100, which lead to crash of program.

Multiwfn Version 3.2.1 (First release: 2013-Dec-30, last update: 2014-Jan-8)
* Hirshfeld surface analysis (see e.g. CrystEngComm,11,19) and Becke surface analysis are supported by quantitative molecular surface analysis module, they are introduced in Section 3.15.5 of the manual, a example is given in Section 4.12.5.
* Iso-chemical shielding surface (ICSS) now can be calculated by subfunction 4 of main function 200, see Section 3.200.4 for explanation and 4.200.4 for example.
* In subfunction 1 of electron excitation analysis module, RMSDs of electron and hole can be calculated, which measures their distribution breadth. H index and t index can also be calculated, the latter one is able to reveal whether hole and electron distributions are separated clearly. See introduction in Section 3.21.1 for detail.
* Radial distribution function for any real space function now can be plotted by function 5 in main function 200. See Sections 3.200.5 and 4.200.5 of the manual for introduction and example, respectively.
* In the analysis of the .wfn/.fch/.molden file involving pseudopotential, inner-core electon density can be represented by the EDF information recorded in atom .wfx file produced by G09, see Section 5.7 for detail.
* When plotting IR spectrum in main function 11, the anharmonic frequencies and intensities outputted by G09 D.01 can be parsed.
* After the AIM basins were integrated via option 7 in basin analysis module, the basin volumes with rho>0.001 will be shown, which can be regarded as atomic volume.
* By option 1, quantitative molecular surface analysis module now is able to generate and analyze isosurface of any real space function. In addition, the grid data of real space function can be directly loaded from external .cub/.grd file rather than calculated by Multiwfn internally.
* The rule for locating settings.ini file is changed. In current version, Multiwfn tries to find and use this file in current folder, if it is not presented, the settings.ini in the path defined by "Multiwfnpath" environment variable will be used (if still missing, default settings will be employed instead).
* Deformation density now and be integrated in fuzzy atomic space (via option 1 of fuzzy space analysis module) and AIM basin (via option 7 in basin analysis module).
* User-defined function now supports a lot of LDA and GGA exchange-correlation functionals, such as SVWN5, PBE, BLYP, PW91, B97, HCTH407. Corresponding XC potentials are also available. See the end of Section 2.7 of the manual for detail. In the meantime, Pauli potential is supported (iuserfunc=60), this quantity corresponds to Eq. 16 of Comp. Theor. Chem., 1006, 92-99. Pauli force and Pauli charge are supported as well.
* The default approach used to set up box in basin analysis module has become more reasonable.
* The .wfn file produced by ORCA3.0.1 is now formally supported (although it is non-standard).
* h angular moment of GTF is supported (.fch, .wfx. and .molden can be used).
* For certain cases the result of Hirshfeld partition in fuzzy atomic space analysis module is inaccurate, this problem has been fixed.
* Fixed a bug in the calculation of AIM charges when inner-core electrons are represented by EDF field of .wfx file.

Multiwfn Version 3.2 (Release date: 2013-Aug-2)
* Subfunction 10 and 12 of main function 100 have been moved to a newly added main function 18 (Electron excitation analysis) as subfunction 1 and 2, respectively. Subfunction 3 in this main function is completely new and extremely powerful, by which one can (1) Visualize isosurface of hole, electron, overlap of hole-electron, transition density and charge density difference between ground state and excited state (2) Calculate contribution of MO pairs to transition dipole moment (3) Show contribution of each MO to hole and electron distribution (4) Generate and export transition density matrix (5) Export dipole moment integrals between all occupied and all unoccupied MOs. Besides, the coefficients of MO pairs can be very flexibly modified, hence one can investigate e.g. influence of a range of MO pairs on transition density or hole distribution. See Section 3.21.1 of the manual for detail, an example is given in Section 4.18.1.
* By function 4 of main function 18, Δr index can be calculated, which was newly proposed in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9, 3118. Δr index is used to measure charge-transfer length, and especially useful to diagnose when conventional DFT functional is failure for TDDFT purpose. See Section 3.21.4 for detail and 4.18.1 for example.
* Function 2 is added to main function 200, by this function one can obtain atomic and bond dipole moments in Hilbert space. See Section 3.200.2 of the manual for detail.
* Many new real space functions are supported, including steric potential, steric charge, local electron affinity, Fisher information density, local Mulliken electronegativity, local hardness, integrand of Becke88 and LYP exchange/correlation functional and so on. please check part 100 of Section 2.6 of the manual for detail. These functions can be activated by setting "iuserfunc" in settings.ini to corresponding value.
* Option 7 is introduced to basin analysis mode, which is specific for integrating AIM basin by employing mixed uniform grid and atomic-center integration grids. The result is much more accurate than using option 2. At the same time, option 5 is removed.
* Option 8 is introduced to basin analysis mode, which employs mixed uniform grid and atomic-center integration grids to evaluate electric multipole moments in AIM basins, the result is much more accurate than using option 3.
* Function 3 is added to main function 200. By this function, the grid data of multiple orbital wavefunctions can be calculated and exported to a single cube file or separate cube files at the same time.
* Becke partition is supported to calculate orbital composition (function 9 in main function 8).
* The function used to plot orbital interaction diagram in CDA module is improved, by the option "4 Set the rule for connecting and drawing bars", the rule for plotting and connecting orbital bars now can be defined flexibly to get a clearer picture.
* The setting of lightings is adjusted, so that when the viewpoint is rotated to the backside of the system the atoms will not become too dark.
* In the GUI for showing isosurface, an option "Set lighting" is added to the menu of the GUI, by which one can custom the lighting.
* In the quantitative molecular surface analysis module, a new mapped function "Electrostatic potential from atomic charge" can be selected. After selecting which, the atomic charges stored in specific .chg file will be loaded, and then the electrostatic potential on molecular surface will be evaluated based on the atomic charges, which is much faster than evaluating it based on wavefunction. Another newly added mapped function is local electron affinity, which is useful for analyzing nucleophilic attack, see J.Mol.Model.,9,342.
* The option 10 in post-process menu of quantitative molecular surface analysis module is extended, by which one can obtain the closest/farthest distance between the surface and a given point (e.g. if the point is chosen as geometry center, then the farthest distance can be viewed as molecular radius). Besides, the farthest distance between all surface points can be outputted, which can be regarded as a definition of molecular diameter.
* Option 14 is added to spectrum plotting module, which is mainly used to apply frequency scaling factor onto the calculated harmonic frequencies.
* Option 12 is added to the interface used to plot orbital interaction diagram. By this option one can define the value for shifting energies of fragment orbitals or complex orbitals.
* Option 2 of fuzzy atomic space analysis module now can calculate atomic multipole moments up to octopole, see Section 3.18.3 of the manual for detail.
* In the basin analysis module, when the system is symmetric to the Cartesian plane, the grid setting will be slightly and automatically adjusted, so that the distribution of the grids will be symmetric to Cartesian plane.
* Fixed a bug in the option used to output composition of complex orbitals in CDA module.
* Fixed a small bug when plain text file or Gaussian output file is used in DOS plotting module.
* Fixed a small bug when loading open-shell molden input file.
* Fixed a bug of calculating ellipticity of electron density.

Multiwfn Version 3.1 (Release date: 2013-May-18)
* Mac OS X version is available since this version
* The code of CDA module has been significantly rewritten, now infinite number of fragments can be defined. An example of analyzing more than two fragments system is given in section 4.16.3 of the manual.
* By newly added option 7 in subfunction -5 of topology analysis module, real space functions can be calculated along topology paths
* Option 11 and 12 are added to post-process interface of quantitative molecular surface analysis module, by which the surface properties on local surface of each atom or user-defined fragment can be obtained. See Section 4.12.3 of the manual for example.
* Via newly added function 1 in main function 200, reduced density gradient method now can be used to analyze weak interaction in fluctuation environment (e.g. molecular dynamics trajectory). The theory was proposed in J. Chem. Theory Comput., 9, 2226. See Section 3.200.1 of the manual for detail.
* Fixed a fatal bug introduced in 3.0.1 version, which makes all negative values become zero during output of cube data.

Multiwfn Version 3.0.1 (Release date: 2013-May-5)
* Becke atomic charge (option 10 in main function 7) now is accompanied by atomic dipole moment correction, which will make the Becke charges have better electrostatic potential reproducibility and can exactly reproduce molecular dipole moment. Meanwhile, users are allowed to adjust atomic radii used for calculating Becke charges.
* Orbital overlap matrix in basins now can be outputted by option 6 in basin analysis module.
* Function 23 is added into main function 100, see manual section 3.100.23 for detail. This function is very similar to the function used to fit ESP charge, but the real space function to be fitted is not limited to ESP, for example you can fit average local ionization energy or even Fukui function distributed on molecular surface to atomic values.
* By main function 5, the real space functions for a set of points now can be simultaneously calculated. See the end of Section 3.6 for detail.
* Function 24 is added to main function 100, which is designed to faciliate calculating NICS_ZZ for non-planar system, see Section 3.100.24 for detail.
* Molden input file (.molden) generated by Molpro, deMon2k, ORCA (up to f angular moment) and BDF is supported. See Section 2.5 for detail.
* Function 21 in main function 100 is significantly extended, aside from geometry/mass-weighted center, many data such as moments of inertia tensor, rotational constant, minimum/maximum distance, radius of gyration and so on can be calculated for specific set of atoms, see Section 3.100.21 for detail. "molgeominfo" parameter is removed from settings.ini, since now this function can do the same thing.
* When drawing DOS graph, now by default a vertical dahsed line is drawn to highlight the position of HOMO level. Option 8 is added to the module to switch the unit of X-axis between a.u. and eV. In the post-process menu, option 16 is added to set the texts in the legends.
* The speed of plotting PDOS and OPDOS for large system is significantly improved.
* The format outputted by option 7 at post-process interface of main function 12 is slightly changed, see manual.
* Subfunction 11 to 15 of main function 6 are merged as subfunction 11.
* Some interfaces used to define fragment (main function -3 and -4, as well as option -1 in bond analysis module) become much more easier to use than before.
* Some trivial bugs have been fixed, thanks Arne Wagner for reporting.
* When outputting cube file, the values <=1E-99 will be automatically cleaned to avoid format compatibility problem.
* Fixed small bugs in bond order calculation, meanwhile optimized memory usage.

Multiwfn Version 3.0 (First release: 2013-Mar-24 Last update: 2013-Mar-26)
* Basin analysis is supported as main function 17. This function is very powerful, high-efficient and flexible. For any real space function, attractors can be located, and corresponding basins can be generated and integrated. The grid data calculated by other main functions of Multiwfn (e.g. Fukui function, electron density difference) and the data loaded from cube/.grd file can also be used to define the attractors and basins. Attractors and basins can be directly visualized or be exported as .pdb/.cub file. Electronic multipole moments, localization index and delocalization index can be calculated in the generated basins. The theory, algorithm and usage of the basin analysis module are introduced in Section 3.20 of the manual, five practical examples are given in Section 4.17.
* Multi-center bond order analysis (option 2 in main function 9) was extended to up to 10 centers.
* For the users using 64bit Windows system and whose machine has more than 2GB physical memory, now Multiwfn can process larger system without crashing.
* When showing all properties at a point (main function 1 or option 7 in main function 2), the ellipticity of electron density is outputted simultaneously.
* The memory requirement for storing grid data is reduced by as high as 3/4, that means now you can use Multiwfn process much larger grid data.
* (2013-Mar-26 update) function 5 is added to basin analysis module, which uses multi-level refinement method to improve the integration accuracy in the region close to nuclei, and hence very suitable for integrating source function, which varies very fast near nuclei.

Multiwfn Version 2.6.1 (Release date: 2013-Jan-9)
* Function 18 is added to main function 18, which is used to analyze probability of electron transport route in pi-system according to Yoshizawa's formula (Acc.Chem.Res.,45,1612-1621). See Section 3.100.18 for introduction and Section 4.100.18 for example.
* For a planar molecule, by the new option 22 in main function 100, all pi orbitals can be detected, and you can directly set their or all the others' occupation numbers to zero. The purpose of this option is to faciliate analyses of pi-properties (e.g. ELF-pi) of large conjugated system. Users don't need to manually find out pi orbitals by visually checking orbital isosurfaces any more.
* By option 10 in post-process interface of main function 12 (quantitative molecular surface analysis), one can obtain the closest distance between the surface and a nucleus
* Bird aromaticity index (Tetrahedron,41,1409) now can be calculated in function 13 of main function 100. See Section 3.100.13 for introduction and Section 4.100.6 for example.
* Para linear response (PLR) aromaticity index (PCCP,14,3960) now can be calculated by option 9 of fuzzy atomic analysis module (main function 15), see Section 3.18.8 for introduction and Section 4.15.2 for example.
* Multi-center delocalization index can be calculated in fuzzy atomic space by option 11 in main function 15, up to six-centers.
* When output plane data to plain text file in post-process interface of main function 4, the projected points of critical points, topology paths and interbasin paths can be outputted together.
* The result of custom operation and deformation/promolecular map of electrostatic potential was incorrect.
* Hessian of ESP and user defined function outputted in main function 1 was not correct.

Multiwfn Version 2.6 (First release: 2012-Nov-6, last update: 2012-Nov-28)
* Charge decomposition analysis (CDA) proposed by Dapprich and Frenking (JPC,99,9352) and extended CDA (JACS,128,278) are supported as main function 16; The CDA implemented in Multiwfn is a generalized version by Tian Lu, which is not only suitable for close-shell and HF/DFT wavefunctions, but also for open-shell and post-HF wavefunctions. Related theory is described in Section 3.19, two examples are given in Section 4.16.
* Orbital interaction diagram can be plotted in main function 16.
* Electronic/vibrational circular dichroism (ECD/VCD) can be plotted in main function 11 now. Gaussian output file and plain text file are supported as input file, see Section 3.13.1 of the manual for explanation.
* Integral curve of grid data in X/Y/Z direction can be calculated and plotted by option 18 in main function 13. See Section 3.16.14 of the manual for explanation. By this function the so-called "charge displacement curve" can be obtained, which is useful in discussion of inter-fragment charge transfer.
* If "iatom_on_contour_far" in settings.ini was set to 1, when drawing plane map, the atoms far away from the defined plane can be shown as labels in light face type at projected position.
* The process of generating atom wavefunction files is revised. If you are favourite to provide atom wavefunction files in "atomwfn" folder, and these files are generated by yourself, please pay much attention to this change and carefully read Section 3.7.3 of the manual.
* Option 5 is added to quantitative molecular surface analysis module. By enabling this option, the values of mapped function on surface vertices will be loaded from external file rather than be calculated by Multiwfn internally.
* Option 21 is added to topology analysis module. By this option, one can calculate curvature of electron density perpendicular to a specific ring plane, this quantity is useful for measuring aromaticity. See Section 3.14.6 of the manual.
* Option 17 in mainfunction 13 is improved, by this function, one can obtain detail statistic data for the points in specific spatial and value range.
* Inaccuracy problem in the calculations of Hirshfeld, VDD and ADCH charges are fixed.

Multiwfn Version 2.5.2 (Release date: 2012-Oct-4)
* Intermolecular orbital overlap integral can be calculated by option 15 in main function 100. Gaussian output files are needed as input. See Section 3.100.15 for detail and see Section 4.100.8 for example.
* Pair density can be calculated by setting pairfunctype to 10, 11 or 12, see the end of part 17 of Section 2.6 of the manual for detail.
* The radii used to calculate Becke charge (option 10 in main function 7) is changed to "modified CSD radii" from CSD radii, see the discussion at the end of Section 3.18.0. This change makes Becke charges more reasonable for organic systems.
* When .fch file is used, for d,f,g shells, if both Cartesian and spherical-harmonic basis functions present, the result will be incorrect. (e.g. Using 6-31G* to calculate transition metals, by default, Gaussian use Cartesian type d shell and spherical-harmonic type f shell)
* Fixed a crashing problem of the oribtal composition analysis module based on natural atomic orbital, this bug occurs when some linear dependent basis functions are eliminated by Gaussian.
* CHELPG and MK charges for charged system are incorrect.

Multiwfn Version 2.5.1 (Release date: 2012-Sep-21)
* LOLIPOP can be calculated by function 14 in main function 100. This quantity is useful in studying pi-stacking ability of aromatic systems, see Chem. Commun., 48, 9239 and Section 3.100.14 of Multiwfn manual.
* Laplacian bond order can be calculated by option 8 in main function 9 (This is a new bond order definition proposed by Multiwfn developer, the paper describing this bond order will be submitted to journal soon)
* Barycenter of real space function can be computed now, see Section 4.13.5 of the manual.
* The default radii definition for fuzzy analysis module and fuzzy bond order calculation is replaced with "modified CSD radii", see the discussion at the end of Section 3.18.0.
* Fixed a small bug which causes NaN in the calculation of modified Mulliken population defined by Bickelhaupt.
* Fixed a crashing problem of AdNDP module when some linear dependent basis functions are eliminated by NBO program.
* Fixed a fatal bug in CHELPG atomic charge calculation

Multiwfn Version 2.5 (Release date: 2012-Aug-1)
* Main function 15 is added. This function focuses on studying total amount of real space functions distributed in fuzzy atomic spaces. The fuzzy atomic spaces defined by Becke and Hirshfeld are available. By this function, integral of selected real space function in atomic spaces or in overlap regions of atomic spaces, atomic multipole moment, atomic overlap matrix (AOM), localization and delocalization index, as well as three very popular aromaticity indices, namely FLU, FLU-pi and PDI can be computed.
* Fuzzy bond order analysis is supported as subfunction 7 in main function 9. This bond order is akin to Mayer bond order in fuzzy atomic space, but strongly insensitive to basis-set.
* HOMA (Harmonic-oscillator model of aromaticity) now can be computed by subfunction 13 of main function 100.
* Real space function 17 has been completely rewritten, exchange-correlation density, correlation hole and correlation factor can be calculated, please consult part 17 of Section 2.6 and Section 4.3.2 of the manual. Correlation hole now can be evaluated at both single-determinant and post-HF wavefunction levels, meanwhile Coulomb and Fermi correlation now can be separately studied.
* All properties of all critical points now can be simultaneously exported to plain text file by function 7 in topology analysis module.
* The syntax to select orbitals in subfunction 26 of main function 6 is changed, see the program prompt
* Numerous trivial improvements
* The sign of dipole moment variation outputted by charge transfer analysis module (subfunction 10 in main function 100) now is inverted.
* At nuclear positions, nuclear ESP function will return 1000 (an arbitrarily selected large value) instead of infinity to avoid numerical issues.
* The program crashes when carry out Wiberg bond order analysis for open-shell system.

Multiwfn Version 2.4 (First release: 2012-May-6, latest revision time: 2012-Jun-14)
* Adaptive natural density partitioning (AdNDP) analysis is supported as main function 14, this function is quite useful for analyzing multi-center orbitals. See Section 3.17 and 4.14 of the manual.
* Isosurfaces can be drawn using transparent style (Linux version doesn't support this feature).
* Source function defined by Bader is supported.
* DMol3 .grd file is supported.
* Fixed some small bugs.
2012-May-14 update: Fixed a fatal bug in plotting ESP on a plane when basis-sets containing diffuse functions are used.
2012-Jun-14 update: .xyz format is supported. A small bug during reading NBO plot files is fixed. A fatal bug in calculation of Fermi hole function for .fch file is fixed.

Multiwfn Version 2.3.3 (Release date: 2012-Apr-9)
* Orbital occupancy-perturbed Mayer bond order (namely decomposing Mayer bond-order to orbital contributions) is supported as subfunction 6 in main function 9. Please consult Section 3.11.5 and 4.9.1 of the manual.
* Transition density matrix outputted by Gaussian can be plotted by function 12 in main function 100, this is useful for analyzing spatial span of electron excitation. Please consult Section 3.100.12 and Section 4.100.5 of the manual.
* Two orbital isosurfaces can be shown simultaneously by main function 0, contour map of orbital wavefunctions of two orbitals can be drawn simultaneously by main function 4. Please consult Section 4.0.2 and 4.4.5 of the manual. This update is useful for visually analyzing orbital overlapping of NBOs.
* Isosurfaces can be plotted by more styles now, currently supported styles include: solid face, mesh, points and solid face+mesh.

Multiwfn Version 2.3.2 (Release date: 2012-Mar-27)
* Orbital spin-type recorded in "$MOSPIN $END" field at the end of the wfn file outputted by Molden2aim 2.0.5 is supported
* Fully compatible with the g GTFs in the wfn file outputted by Molden2AIM
* Some bugs in quantitative molecular surface analysis module are fixed, internal charge separation calculated by previous version is found to be incorrect
* Accuracy of calculation of electrostatic potential is improved
* A contour line corresponding to vdW surface (electron density=0.001) can be plotted on contour/gradient line map or vector field map by choosing option 15 in post-process stage
* Fragments can be defined in bond order analysis module by option -1. If two fragments have been defined, when performing Mayer/Wiberg, Mulliken bond order analysis, the total bond order between atoms in fragment 1 and 2 will be printed together

Multiwfn Version 2.3.1 (Release date: 2012-Mar-6)
* Analysis of orbital composition by natural atomic orbital(NAO) approach is supported as subfunction 8 of main funcition 8.
* Critical points and paths can be exported as pdb file, so that they can be conveniently viewed by external visualization softwares such as VMD
* Fixed a fatal problem in the ELF/LOL calculation on post-HF wavefunctions
* Orbital spin-type can be set customly by option 27 in in main function 6
* Many trivial improvements
* Many trivial bugs are fixed

Multiwfn Version 2.3 (Release date: 2012-Feb-18)
* Molecular surface analysis is added as main function 12, which is very useful for predicting strength of molecular interactions, thermodynamic properties, reactive sites, etc. Electrostatic potential and average ionization energy are supported as mapped functions. Surface properties such as surface area, average value and std. of mapped functions can be computed, local minimum and maximum points can be located.
* Gaussian-type cube file is supported. Isosurface can be viewed by main function 0 after loaded a cube file
* GsGrid program has been entirely merged into Multiwfn as a new main function 13. A cube file should be loaded (or use main function 5 to generate a set of grid data) before entering this module. User can perform mathematical operations on grid data, or set value in certain range, or extract data in specified plane.
* Multi-center bonds with large bond order can be automatically searched

Multiwfn Version 2.2.1 revision 1 (Release date: 2011-Dec-15)
* Fixed a bug introduced by version 2.2.1 (that is Multiwfn crashes during reading the .fch files produced by unrestricted calculation with cartesian basis functions)
* Fixed a bug in the interface for selecting the interbasin surfaces to be generated
Multiwfn Version 2.2.1 (Release date: 2011-Dec-3),
* A serious bug in reading the .fch files produced by unrestricted calculation with spherical-harmonic basis functions is solved
* Merz-Kollmann charge is supported in population module
* Option 10 is added to topology analysis module, this is a small tool used to calculate Shannon aromaticity index

Multiwfn Version 2.2 (Release date: 2011-Nov-28)
* A new real space function "Average local ionization energy" is supported
* Linux version is available!
* The function used to calculate molecular VDW volume is improved
* CHELPG method is supported (Option 12 in population analysis module)
* Interbasin surface can be plotted (Option 10 in topology analysis module)
* Interbasin path derived from (3,-1) can be plotted on contour/gradient/vector field map (Option 6 in graph post-process stage)
* Topology analyses for orbital wavefunction, LOL, ELF and laplacian of rho are supported
* A serious bug in calculating ELF/LOL for restricted-open shell system is solved
* Fixed some bugs in reading wfn files
* Option -1 and -2 in main interface have been removed, one can realize the same purpose by setting occupation number of uninterested orbitals to zero via selection 26 and 34 in main function 6.

Multiwfn Version 2.1.2 (Release date: 2011-Sep-2)
* Spherical harmonic gauss functions are supported (both for .fch file and NBO plot files), "6D 10F" keywords in Gaussian route section are not required from now on.
* A serious bug in reading NBO .31 file is detected and solved.
* A new function isd added to main function 100, used to integrate the overlap of the norm of two specified orbitals in whole space.

Multiwfn Version 2.1.1 (Release date: 2011-Jul-16)
* Critical points and paths are allowed to be portrayed on contour/gradient/vector field map. See Section 3.7.4 of the manual.
* The quality of gradient line map is improved, some parameters for drawing gradient lines are controllable now at post-process stage.
* Plane graph type 6 and 7 are combined together. A new plane graph type, namely vector field (with/without contour lines) is supported.
* Multiple contour lines (rather than only one as before) are permitted to be drawn on color-filled map.
* The windows size of GUI is fixed.
* Color and style of positive part and negative part of contour lines can be set by user in "contour line setting" interface.
* A new routine is added used to analyze charge-transfer, see Section 3.17.10 and 3.100.10 of the manual.

Multiwfn Version 2.1 (Release date: 2011-Jun-26)
* Topology analysis for electron density is added (Main function 2)! Critical points and bond paths can be easily and quickly searched and visualized, see Section 3.16 and 4.2 in manual for detail.
* Cutoff for evaluation of exponential function is employed. For large system, calculation speed of grid data is faster than previous several times! The cutoff threshold is controlled by "expcutoff" in settings.ini, the default value is very safe.
* A new function is added to main function 100 used to evaluate coordination number of all atoms.
* In subfunction 1 of main function 100, when real space function 15-13 or 16-14 is selected (these combinations are generally used for weak interaction analysis), about 35% computational cost is reduced.
* The default contour line setting for ELF/LOL has been changed to a more proper one.

Multiwfn Version 2.02 (Release date: 2011-Jun-3)
* In the post-process step of plotting curve map, option 6 is newly added to search for all local minimum and local maximum points, option 7 is newly added to search the X position where Y value equals to given value.
* If the real space function you selected is Fermi hole/correlation factor, the reference point will be marked by blue cross on the contour map alone with atom labels.
* A new atomic charge calculation method ADCH (Atomic dipole corrected Hirshfeld) is added.
* Using IOp(3/32=2) in Gaussian to avoid linear dependency checking is not required again, the .fch file with basis function elimination can be loaded directly now.

Multiwfn Version 2.01
* Fixed some trivial bugs
* Fixed serious bug of generating complex initial guess from fragment wavefunctions
* In some functions the energy labled is eV, but actually should be a.u., this bug has been fixed
* Fragment definition module in orbital composition analysis and DOS has been enhanced
* When "ipolarpara" in settings.ini is set to 1, spin polarization parameter function will be used instead of spin density
* Formulas of ELF and LOL for spin-polarized case were modified, see description of ELF and LOL in manual
* LOL defined by Tsirelson is added, change "ELFLOL_type" in settings.ini to 1 to enable it, then the LOL defined by Becke will be replaced.
* When drawing curve map, a vertical line with specified X coordinate can be added to the graph. The ratio of X-axis and Y-axis length is now adjustable
* Distance criterion for labelling atom in contour and gradient map is adjustable now, see "disshowlabel" in settings.ini
* The method 6 and 7 for defining spatial scope of grid data have been slightly modified

Multiwfn Version 2.0
*新支持Gaussian09 B.01开始引入的AIM Extended Wavefunction Files(.wfx)格式,支持Additional Electron Density Function(EDF)以描述ECP计算的内层电子密度,注意所有内层电子密度函数必须写在同一个EDF段落中,且只支持s型拟合函数。
*在功能7里面新加入Mulliken布居和Lowdin布居,可以获得每个基函数、壳层的布居数,也可以获得每个分子轨道对原子、基函数布居数的贡献。加入了Ros & Schuit(亦称SCPA)、Stout & Politzer、Bickelhaupt分别提出的三种修改的Mulliken布居方法(MMPA)。这些方法必须以.fch作为输入。另外还增加了Becke空间划分的布居方法。
*新增主功能10,用于绘制Density-of-states(DOS)、Partial DOS(PDOS)、Overlap population DOS(OPDOS,亦称COOP)。支持Gaussian、Lorentizan、Pseudo-Voigt展宽,可自定义展宽参数,可导出数据。需要用.fch或者Gaussian用pop=full的输出文件或者记录了能级信息的文本文件作为输入。

Multiwfn Version 1.5 (Release date: 2010-Oct-2)
{"*新增了Reduced density gradient(RDG)函数、Sign(lambda2)*rho函数,以及它们在Promolecule密度近似下的函数。还新增了用户自定义函数,可以根据实际需要自行编写内容以扩展Multiwfn的功能。"}
1 做空间格点上任意函数 vs. 任意函数的散点图并生成它们的格点文件。
2 将当前分子结构保存为pdb文件。
3 根据原子范德华半径用蒙特卡罗法计算分子范德华体积。
4 对指定函数在全空间进行积分。

Multiwfn Version 1.4 (Release date: 2010-Jul-8)

Multiwfn Version 1.3 (Release date: 2010-Apr-24)
1.3.1 Release date: 2010-APR-25
1.3.2 Release date: 2010-May-10

Multiwfn Version 1.2 (Release date: 2010-Feb-9)

Multiwfn Version 1.1 (Release date: 2010-Jan-17)

Multiwfn Version 1.0 (Release date: 2009-Nov-27)