Tian Lu
- Contact: sobereva[at]sina.com, QQ: 190258442
- ORCID: 0000-0002-1822-1229
- Google Scholar:http://scholar.google.com.cn/citations?user=tiKE0qkAAAAJ
- Research Gate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Tian_Lu
- Blog: http://sobereva.com
Position and Affiliation
Director, Beijing Kein Research Center for Natural Sciences (http://www.keinsci.com)
Research interests and expertise
- Wavefunction analysis
- Methodology of computational quantum chemistry
- Molecular dynamics
- First-principle
Achievements in / contribution to the field of computational chemistry
- Publications: See Google Scholar or Research Gate shown above. Totally cited by more than 45000 times (until 2024-Nov)
- Developed about 30 computational chemistry codes, see this link for complete list; among which, Multiwfn (http://sobereva.com/multiwfn) has been the most popular and powerful code for wavefunction analysis.
- Founded the Computational Chemistry Commune (http://bbs.keinsci.com), which is extremely famous, active, professional forum in China for discussing quantum chemistry, wavefunction analysis, molecular modelling, first-principle and so on
- Owner of "thinker commune" QQ group (18616395, 466017436, 764390338), which is one of the largest (9000 members) and most professional QQ discussion group in computational chemistry field.
- Answered countless questions for computational chemistry researchers via forum, QQ, E-mail and Research Gate since very long time ago (reply about 20000 questions per year on average)
- Wrote hundreds of high quality blog articles about computational chemistry.
- Successfully organized more than 60 times of computational chemistry workshops in China and totally talked more than 2000 hours.
Journal Referee
Nature Chemistry, Angewandte Chemie, Carbon, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., J. Chem. Phys., Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., J. Comput. Chem, Inorg. Chem., J. Org. Chem., ACS Catal., and so on (more than 80 journals)
Personal interests
Japanese anime and manga, Music (in particular ACG music and Czech pop & rock), Computer hardware-collection, Programming (especially Fortran)
Money and papers are rubbish, get a real life!